What We Believe

About God the Father

God the Father is the creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. including you and me. He continues to provide us with all that we need for our body and soul. Despite our sin and because of his unconditional love for us, he sent his son, Jesus Christ to pay for our sin and give us eternal life.

About the Son, Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, true God, only son of the Father took on our human flesh and became one of us. Jesus did this so that he might live the life that we cannot, die on the cross for our sins, and rise victorious over sin, death, and the devil. Jesus did this that believing in him as our Savior we might be declared innocent before God, forgiven, and given the gift of eternal life.

About the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit creates faith and enables us to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  He continues to guide us and keep us in Jesus Christ, the one true faith through God's word and the sacraments. 

About the Trinity

The Trinity, the Triune God, is used by the church to provide an identity as to how the Bible describes the one true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The one true God in three distinct persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, coequal and coeternal and yet one God. This is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. 

About the Bible

The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and given to human authors to write down. Everything we need to know about God, especially his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ is in the Bible. The Bible points us to Jesus Christ and his life, death, and resurrection that we might be forgiven and declared right before God.

About Sin

The Bible tells us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We sin against God and each other in the things that we say, in our thinking, and in the things that we do and do not do. Not only are we born in sin, but we are sinners from the time we are conceived. Because of sin we deserve nothing less than God's eternal punishment. But thanks be to God, we have a merciful and gracious God.

About Mercy

God, in his mercy through Jesus Christ, our Lord, does not give us what we deserve for our sin, eternal death and separation from him.

About Grace

GRACE! God’s Riches At Christ Expense! Grace is when God gives us something we don’t deserve, forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”  John 3:16-17

About Faith

It is by the power of the Holy Spirit working faith in us that we are able to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. God gives us faith through the spoken and written Word of God found in the Bible.   Because we are dead in our sins and by nature enemies of God we cannot by our own power come to faith or believe in Jesus Christ. God gives us faith, the ability to believe, and gives us the ability to live in that faith as He continues to engage us through His Word and Sacraments.

About Baptism

In baptism, with simple water and God’s promise, God calls us by name to be a part of his family and gives us the gifts of forgiveness of sins, salvation, and eternal life. If you or your children would like to be baptized, please contact us.

About Marriage

We believe in strong traditional family values. God instituted marriage to be a union between one man and one woman.   


Additional questions:  

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church is a member of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod which provides additional information about what we Believe, Confess and Teach. This can be found at: https://www.lcms.org/about/beliefs.